xrTGA1100Thermogrametric analyzer
Automated analysis of Moisture, Volatiles, Ash, Fixed-carbon and Loss on Ignition (LOI) content in various organic, inorganic and synthetic materials.

30 + 1 position carousel

1100°C max temperature

fully integrated PC

Fast Heating and Cooling Cycles
We understand your laboratory processing time is valuable and you want the results fast. Innovative design features ensure heating and cooling cycle times are quick and accurate, with noticeable improvements.

User Friendly Interface
Our PC is built into the TGA, which ensures an external unit doesn’t clutter your bench space. A large touch screen interface is fitted, or alternatively plugin in a keyboard and mouse. Results can be accessed remotely for processing.

Large Sample Carousel
Our large carousel of 30 sample positions plus 1 reference position allows for high throughput in busy laboratories, whilst maintaining a highly efficient heating chamber.

Integrated Ventilation System
Active ventilation keeps the laboratory free from toxic vapours/odours and further improves the cooling process.

Atmosphere Control
Integrated software-controlled gas switching for experiments requiring inert or reactive atmospheres.

Robust and Safe Design
We have applied decades of knowledge in furnace safety into the TGA. The instrument meets stringent CE standards for external touch temperatures and required safety features. The TGA is built to withstand the harshest laboratory environments, with maximum uptime requirements.